Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Making Time To Play

So I try to play a little bit every day. Sometimes that takes the form of a few minutes with my flute. Sometimes I surf some and one thing leads to another or perhaps I heard something on the radio or read it in a book and I look it up and learn something.

One way or another, I find a minute or two to play even if the play take the form of fantasizing about having all the time I want to play.

I drive about two hours a day back and forth to work. Sometimes I turn the radio off and let the world get by on its own while I drive. I watch the people in the other cars or pedestrians along the way. Often I watch the sky. The sky is a marvelously complex thing. Hardly ever the same. The other day, I saw a contrail from a high-flying jet casting a shadow on a lower level thin layer of clouds. And I have seen one instance of the famous pulsing contrails.

The important thing is to take time to play. Make time to play.

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